Favorite Messages Application is a Amazing and easy to use , independent from the Notes App, so that you can save Your Favorite Messages.
Often we receive beautiful messages across social networking software.
often their is a need to keep them and share them with others normally we would use the Note App .
But the problem with the notepad app is the ordering and organizing Iapetus the notes.
Hence came the idea of Favorite Messages Application it will help you to save your messages in the preferred manner you choose, beautiful and wonderfully easy to use , you can have access to your messages very easily .
Add many groups
Add a picture to each group
Liberate Groups, amend and delete
Organize messages
Changing the background of messages
Add the name of the sender
Add the message source
Add a picture of the sender or another picture
Save the date and time the message
The ability to share messages through Social Media.
This application supports both the English and Arabic languages.